Bringing a Dog
All students’ dogs, when not being trained, are kept in a student kennel. This kennel is located within the same building as the school and student residence hall. The kennel area is equipped with seasonal heating and air conditioning. Within the student kennel facility, each dog is provided with his or her own individual kennel space. The student kennel offers a food bin and cubby for storage of items for each dog. There are also grooming facilities to accommodate student dogs. Students are responsible for caring for their dogs and maintaining the kennel throughout the course.
Student dogs are not permitted in the school’s residence hall. Students will have the necessary access to their dogs for workshops, training, and exercise. Our courses will discuss the importance of the kennel environment for a dog in training throughout the course.
Each student is permitted to bring one dog with them during their course. National K-9 students only have time to train and care for this one dog due to the intensity of the courses. While in attendance students will be exposed to various dogs and personality types. Students will also be given an opportunity to observe and train with other dogs during their course.
If you are unable to bring your own dog, we suggest that you consider asking a friend, relative, or acquaintance about the possibility of using their dog during the course. This is an excellent opportunity for your friend, relative or acquaintance to receive training at no charge. This arrangement also provides you with your first dog owner to work with in follow-up lessons at completion of your course.
Please contact us if you have additional questions by email at or 614-864-0213.
Yes, each student is required to bring a dog with them to participate in workshops and testing throughout the course. The following are our recommendations to prospective students that allow them to get the most out of their experience at National K-9.
We recommend a medium- to large-sized dog for 4-week Professional Obedience/Behavior Course. Smaller dogs and puppies could also be candidates for 4-week Professional Obedience/Behavior Course. We have had a wide range of dog breeds and mixed breeds participate in our courses. The breed you choose would be a matter of personal preference. The size, type of coat, characteristics, and activity preferences for a dog varies from person to person.
We recommend a dog between the ages of 4 months to 4 years for the 4-week Professional Obedience/Behavior Course. Dogs under 4 months of age are not permitted in the course. If you are considering a dog over 4 years of age, please contact an instructor at 614-864-0213 to discuss in more detail.
The dog you bring should not have previous professional/ formal training. Ideally, the dog should have very little or no training at all. Dogs that know a few basic commands and have some basic manners may still be eligible. Dogs with formal or extensive training will prevent the school’s instructors from assessing student’s progression in practical workshops and during practical testing. Dogs should be social with people and other dogs but not have any major behavior problems. Dogs with excessive aggression, fear or shyness are not usually good candidates for students to work with due to the length and intensity of our courses. Training dogs with excessive aggression, fear and shyness will be covered during our courses. If you have questions regarding the dog’s behavior, please contact an instructor.
All dogs should be in good physical health, have no physical limitations, and be current on all vaccinations. If you plan to bring a non-spayed female, she cannot come in heat/season while in attendance. Please note that changes in environment may alter the timing of a female’s heat cycle. Females in heat/season are not in an appropriate mental or physical state to participate in the intensive training involved in our courses. Females that do come into heat/season while in attendance will need to be removed from the course and facility immediately. Dogs must also be free of internal and external parasites.
All students’ dogs are provided with grooming facilities and an individual kennel and food bin. Students at National K-9 have access to their dogs as needed for workshops, independent study, and exercise. If you have any questions about whether your dog would be a good candidate, please contact National K-9 for guidance.