Students are evaluated individually and informed of their progress by our instructors. Student strengths and weaknesses are discussed and the student receives suggestions for improvement of skills. Written tests are given during the third and sixth weeks on subject matter covered in the classroom and workshops. Students are provided with pre-test reviews with our instructors prior to all test dates. Students will also be evaluated during practical workshops and a series of practical (hands-on) tests. To graduate, a student must pass these written tests and a series of hands-on handling tests in each area of study to receive certification.
National K-9 graduates range in age from 18 to 79.
We take no more than 12 students so we can maintain quality instruction. The average student to instructor ratio is 1 instructor for every 4 or 5 students (depending on the overall class size).
Students will participate in classroom instruction, practical workshops, and observations; Monday through Saturday throughout their course. National K-9’s classroom instruction and practical workshops take place Monday through Friday from approximately 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM for four full weeks.
Students will have a daily lunch break and several short breaks daily. Students are required to attend observations of our client lessons, new client evaluations, training follow-up lessons, and our puppy preschool program on Saturdays between the hours of 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Sunday is an off day with no required instruction. Students must continue independent study in the evenings and on Sundays to keep pace with the course content.
No. Our curriculum is extremely concentrated, and we can provide full time instruction only (Monday through Saturday for four weeks).
No. If you are serious about dog training as a career, we recommend hands-on instruction from experienced trainers who are qualified as instructors. No internet/correspondence course, video, or book can replace the immediate feedback an experienced instructor/trainer can provide. Our graduates find easier it to determine if information provided by internet, other courses/seminars, videos, books, and other sources are useful and helpful after completing the course.
All students’ dogs, when not being trained, are kept in a student kennel. This kennel is located within the same building as the school and student residence hall. The kennel area is equipped with seasonal heating and air conditioning. Within the student kennel facility, each dog is provided with his or her own individual kennel space. The student kennel offers a food bin and cubby for storage of items for each dog. There are also grooming facilities to accommodate student dogs. Students are responsible for caring for their dogs and maintaining the kennel throughout the course.
Student dogs are not permitted in the school’s residence hall. Students will have the necessary access to their dogs for workshops, training, and exercise. Our courses will discuss the importance of the kennel environment for a dog in training throughout the course.
Each student is permitted to bring one dog with them during their course. National K-9 students only have time to train and care for this one dog due to the intensity of the courses. While in attendance students will be exposed to various dogs and personality types. Students will also be given an opportunity to observe and train with other dogs during their course.